My promise to my 80 year old self

Retirement used to be an unspoken word growing up because heads of household would just work to keep food on the table. I have seen far too many family members work themselves to the bone to provide but never able to enjoy the fruits of their labor before they took their last breath.

I am blessed to see my older sisters enjoying retirement and actually thriving doing what they love; traveling, volunteering, going out, enjoying grandkids, and friends. I don’t fear growing old but the lesson I have learned and continue to learn is that the life when I am old is shaped by my life now.

I took some time to write my future 80-year-old self a promissory note and I’ll share a little bit with you.

I hope that you are in Africa walking barefoot on the soil with the whispers of the ancestors caressing your tired wrinkled feet and supporting you when you grow weary.
Your eyes have seen every continent twice over.
You travel with whoever wants to come. Or alone. It doesn’t matter.
Home is where you wake up early to mediate/ pray and give honor to God.
Your beach oasis is where you recharge by gardening, reading and spending time with family and friends.
You walk the beach daily not only for the peace it brings you but also for the exercise.
Home is full of sunlight, music, books, wine and laughter and you love having your grandkids and great grandkids over.
Your legacy will be for generations to come.
Your guitar is there that you learned to play 30 years ago.
This is what I hope to you. For me.
Health. Love. Financial Abundance. Freedom. Curiosity, Vitality. Free Spirit.

And so……
I promise to exercise more.
I promise to drink more water.
I promise to drink less wine
I promise to eat more vegetables
I promise to eat less junk food
I promise to use my voice more
I promise to write more
I promise to keep my annual screenings with my Doctor
I promise to get out of debt
I promise to figure out a way to make sure their is wealth for you and future generations
I promise to fall in love whenever I can
I promise to forgive, especially myself

What promises are you making to your future self? She is counting on you.

Healing and Blessings,



Pushing through Ain’t pretty


Following through on yourself